57 - Johnny Gorillas

Hello music people 👋

Today in the spotlight, Johnny Gorillas

Coming from Germany, he has a background in piano and music education. He started producing music with a basic DAW in the 90s and hasn't stopped since 🎶

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Who are you and what is your relationship with music?

My name is Jonas aka Johnny Gorillas and I'm a music producer from Germany.

I had piano lessons as a kid but was always more interested in improvisation and the sounds and rhythms of my small Hohner Keyboard. I still managed to study music somehow and I'm working part time as a highschool music teacher.

I started producing with a super basic DAW from the electronics store on the family computer in the 90s and haven't stopped since. A couple of years ago I started to dedicate one day of the week to create music and posted a video of a jam on Instagram every week for 2 years straight. It gained some attention and more importantly I learned a lot and started to produce full tracks again. I'm still doing the Insta thing but unfortunately I don't have enough time to post weekly anymore.

Which piece of equipment in your studio is essential to your production process?

Ableton Live and OP-1.

What is the least expensive piece of gear that gave you the most results?

Behringer Model D - It's just that big fat Moog bass which always sounds great (on my tracks)

Walk us through your process for creating and producing music.

For my jams I start by deciding which pieces of gear could be an inspiring combination. Then I just hook everything up and start from scratch. There's usually a moment of total freedom where I allow myself to do whatever comes out and this can lead to great results. I try to move not too slow to keep the energy up.

Sometimes these jams are great starting points for complete tracks.

What is a production technique that you always come back to?

Not sure if it's a production technique... but I quite often use arpeggios as an element to increase tension/add something new in the second half of my tracks.

How would you explain your style?

I produce a lot of different music in various styles but the stuff I'm most proud of and which I can relate with the most is some sort of indie electro with a healthy amount of organic elements.

At least that's what I'm trying to go for.

What is a big challenge you have as an artist?

It used to be finding my own style and defining what I want to do in music. I always thought that I didn't have a particular style but then people start telling me that they recognize my music and the personal stylistic elements. So I try not to think about it too much anymore and just do my thing.

Has building a hardware setup changed your perspective on music or life in general?

I started in the box and was fascinated by all the sounds you can get from your computer. But sometimes it's just too much. Building a hardware setup certainly helps to focus on important stuff. If you manage to dive into a piece of hardware and work with or around its limitations, you'll come up with more interesting stuff.

One tip on how to spark creativity?

Randomize buttons.

Recently I love the randomize functions on the Elektron Syntakt which creates new sounds instantly. That's much more fun than browsing samples.

A book, movie, article, or album that has inspired you?

"Fatboy Slim - You've come a long way" was the album that blew my mind as a teenager in terms of electronic music and sampling

Anything else you'd like to say?

Thanks a lot for having me on this. Going through the interviews is super fun and very inspiring.

Where can people find more of your music and connect with you online?

In Case You Missed It

For jams, knob-twists and pad hitting videos go to G.A.S. Instagram

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